Monday, June 29, 2009

Wheelbarrows, glens and woodchips, oh my!

Hey avid LBH readers,

We are glad that you have joined us back here again. We're sorry that we did not give you the update over the weekend - there are some funny stories that we would like to share with you from this past weekend, but those will have to wait, at least for now. In the midst of such waiting and patience building, we would love to share with you how stellar of a week we have gotten off to.
Yesterday evening, 14 middle school kids from around the Diocese of Madison covered at Durward's Glen Retreat Center. Throughout the evening we ate some good food, in the form of individually made pita pizzas and salad, played a number of games to get to know one another and took a walking tour around DG. Following all of that goodness, we gathered together for Collatio, which is Latin for to come together or assemble. During Collatio, we chatted about our restless hearts with Gina, St. Augustine and some golf balls. This gave us a lot of good things to proces through in the Parish Time that followed and good sleep in excitement for the events of today.

After morning Mass and some additional reflection and prayer time, we enjoyed a hot breakfast of pancakes and sausage before heading out to work. The morning hours passed away quickly, as we got to work repairing and creating new trails. This took the form of destruction and clearing, as well as much hauling of woodchips with handy wheelbarrows all pushed by hnad. Who knew serving God's creation and those who enjoy it could be so much fun and hard work at the same time?

This newly tired group rolled into lunch hungry and a bit tired. After regaining sustinance, the troops took a bit of a siesta. During this past hour, they hit the trails again.

There's a whole lot of fun in the works for tonight, so look forward to reading more from us tomorrow! And, if you woulnd't mind, as long as it's the Lord's will, we would not mind a few prayers being thrown up for the holding off of the impending rain. We have a lot of exciting work to accomplish in the great outdoors.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!!


  1. The girls and I said a prayer for keeping the rain to a minimum...ok, ok, I said the prayer while the girls looked at me, but I've come to take that as agreement with whatever I'm saying. :) Thanks again for a wonderful week last week and may your work be blessed and dry.

    Saint Medard, pray for us! (Patron saint against bad weather)


  2. Thanks Abby (and St. Medard)! I think they are working. We have been amazed that it has held off today. Praise God!
