Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Give me Your eyes.

This Tuesday has brought some pretty good times this far, and during this siesta, we figure that the youth (and us adults) are gearing up for much goodness to come.

During the afternoon yesterday, we finished up our work on a couple trails and began some new ones. As we have continued that work today, two groups are currently working towards each other to complete the trail that has both the highest elevation on this property, as well as some of the most beautiful views. We have been taking plenty of stops to smell the roses, as well as hydrate ourselves.

Wow, we're really getting ahead of ourselves this morning. You may like to know that there were a few tired and sore bodies waking up here at Durward's Glen this morning, but it's definitely worth it, because it lets us know that we've been working hard. Mass was beautiful, as always, followed by an adventurous breakfast of cereal eating, and a reflection on Jesus' command to see His face in those we interact with every day. Choruses of "give me your eyes for just one second" rang out throughout the rest of the day.

Later on, we are looking forward to continued games of sardines, a bit of a bonfire, and a cookout. But first, the gang is currently stirring and making their way out to the Mission Field to clean trails and do some exploring. We are looking forward to the last of our time here together this week and coming back to the "real world" renewed tomorrow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wheelbarrows, glens and woodchips, oh my!

Hey avid LBH readers,

We are glad that you have joined us back here again. We're sorry that we did not give you the update over the weekend - there are some funny stories that we would like to share with you from this past weekend, but those will have to wait, at least for now. In the midst of such waiting and patience building, we would love to share with you how stellar of a week we have gotten off to.
Yesterday evening, 14 middle school kids from around the Diocese of Madison covered at Durward's Glen Retreat Center. Throughout the evening we ate some good food, in the form of individually made pita pizzas and salad, played a number of games to get to know one another and took a walking tour around DG. Following all of that goodness, we gathered together for Collatio, which is Latin for to come together or assemble. During Collatio, we chatted about our restless hearts with Gina, St. Augustine and some golf balls. This gave us a lot of good things to proces through in the Parish Time that followed and good sleep in excitement for the events of today.

After morning Mass and some additional reflection and prayer time, we enjoyed a hot breakfast of pancakes and sausage before heading out to work. The morning hours passed away quickly, as we got to work repairing and creating new trails. This took the form of destruction and clearing, as well as much hauling of woodchips with handy wheelbarrows all pushed by hnad. Who knew serving God's creation and those who enjoy it could be so much fun and hard work at the same time?

This newly tired group rolled into lunch hungry and a bit tired. After regaining sustinance, the troops took a bit of a siesta. During this past hour, they hit the trails again.

There's a whole lot of fun in the works for tonight, so look forward to reading more from us tomorrow! And, if you woulnd't mind, as long as it's the Lord's will, we would not mind a few prayers being thrown up for the holding off of the impending rain. We have a lot of exciting work to accomplish in the great outdoors.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sorry this one is coming out a bit later than usual.  Enjoy.  It's another unique read today.  More pictures and a wrap up later today.

We are here live from the upstairs typing this wonderful message just for you. (And yes you should feel special) This day has brought fun adventures, strengthened friendships, and continuing competitiveness with the morning routine.  The race for points continued this morning with a mad dash to the Maria Goretti Center… unfortunately our team still hasn’t figured this out! We began our morning prayer by reflecting on the Eucharist and what it means to receive it. (It took a little bit cause being outta the house in 30 seconds doesn’t help) Alison gave a wonderful talk on how to hug a bear… well figuratively. She explained to us how receiving the Eucharist is similar to hugging Christ. (Between early morning yawns, that is) we left Maria gritty and trekked back to our home sweet home for some breakfast, a tad slower than we came.

We had a nice breakfast… cereal, bagels, and toast, YUM! This morning routine also included a morning dance party to get our blood flowing and pumping through our veins. After this fun jolly time we got ourselves packed and ready for the day and crammed into the cars. We enjoyed some more team bonding, including the sharing of several new talents. (Dylan’s parents should be proud) Our group bonded really well today, and so did all the others, as we learned later.  We headed downtown to the campus church of St. Paul.

There we were given the wonderful opportunity to confess our lovely sins that we keep near and dear. Thanks to the priests we won’t feel guilty for not telling out parents the whole truth... Just kidding we love you very much and would not even dare to do a dumb foolish thing like that. The experience was really touching for several people.  Mass began at 12 o’clock.  It was a special mass because one of special people in our special group got to read quite possibly the longest reading in the entire Bible.  After mass we once again loaded up the cars for the trip to the Schlueter’s house to finish our special missions. 

We had to even sacrifice our precious lunch time to arrive a little earlier by eating in the cars… too bad for speed limits. We split up into three posses when we got there: The manly men worked on flooring the dining room, a clothes-putting-away crew, and an outdoor flowering team. Flowers were planted, dressers were organized, and plans were plotted. Oh… and by some miracle Matt Williams was actually able to cut a piece of flooring in under five whole minutes.

Soon the outdoor team became the grilling team…and let me say, the hotdogs were excellent because they had some good looking grill marks. By the end of the day the house was looking like Extreme Home Makeover actually did come.  The new hardwood floors were shining, newly painted walls were gleaming, and the furniture was spicing up the place like oregano on a pizza. Wow, punny.  Although a lot was accomplished, we were all feeling a little sad.  I don’t think anyone could believe the last full day was here already.

This afternoon we were visited by the family’s priest from St. Dennis. He played an important role in helping Bart and the entire family make it through the toughest times during Clare’s illness.  Bart sang and played the guitar for us and Father prayed over the home and for us, blessing us for the hard work we had done.  We were also concerned for Clare, who had to leave earlier in the day because she had a fever.  (Because of her cancer, this could be dangerous to her health, so she needed to go to the hospital.)  So the end of our day was filled with prayers for Clare along with the satisfaction of a job well done.

We left the home around 8, bound for swimming! After a quick stop at the house, Jeff forgot a shirt… and another quick stop… for Gina’s swimsuit…we finally managed to arrive at the pool.  After a long, sweaty, and thus far shower less day, we were all excited for a long luxurious cool deserving swim in the pool. It felt good to feel refreshed. Frisbee, cannonballs, and swan diving (lessons courtesy of Slade, James, Dylan, and Matt) soon were on their way.  We also shared the ways we saw God in our day…in da pool!

After swimming was over, we adjourned to the gym for Collatio. Gina spoke to us about the meaning of the Eucharist and we had another round of sharing time. It was amazing to hear all of the ways our group was touched by this trip. Our faiths were strengthened, just as much as the bonds of friendship we made in this short…oh, and we had a TON of fun in the sun!  Who knew all of this could come from making other people happy and helping a deserving family?

Phil played the guitar and we sang, reflecting on the day.  I have to say, a few tears were shed…but the number of smiles greatly surpassed the tears. We packed up once more for home, but our car got a got a little sidetracked.  (we really shouldn’t mention this)  The stop may or may not have involved Frosties, though…. just sayin’.  It was a late night (it’s 2:43 AM after all) but well worth it.  As we sit here and think back on the day, we can’t help but wonder when we’ll all be together again.  Surely, this trip will be forgotten by none for a very long time.

Signing off to the lovely serenade of Abby’s snoring,

Matt and Liz =)     

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We’ve made it to mid-week and the enthusiasm hasn’t waned in the slightest!  Many of us have actually started to settle in to the routine and are finding the days easier and easier as we go - both in work and in our relationships  with each other. :) This morning at prayer we challenged ourselves in a reflection on how we are to see Christ in everyone, and so to serve Christ through everyone we meet; the rest of the day seemed to be the fruit of that mediation.

But before we get to the service and to the labor of the day, how can we forget the fun.  Our pool games are getting more complicated and surprisingly more fun.  Today we raced.  It began with my personal favorite: the butterfly... my favorite not because I’m particularly  good at it, but because the truth is actually the exact opposite of that case... it’s my worse... and it seems to be the worst for most people... which makes the racing quite the entertainment for both the swimmers and the spectators.

After Mass, we were back down to business.  Today we split up into two groups: one went to the laundromat, the other stayed at the house to paint and finish the flooring.  The four and a half hours leading up to dinner flew by, and by the time we knew it, almost an entire bedroom was cleaned and painted, most of the living room floor was in place, and the laundry crew did many, many, many loads.  (Ask any LBH participant what that means...)

It’s a good thing that Papa John’s on the East Side of Madison gave us a sweet deal on the pizza for dinner, because we were all grateful for the sustenance and time to chat with each other about the good times that had been had thus far.  Post-dinner was the daily rosary, asking for some Marian help in the work we were still going to be up to.  Leaving the house close to nine, one car made a quick stop at the grocery store, so we could celebrate John the Baptist’s birthday with locusts and wild honey... or, ice cream sundaes.

Collatio brought us deeper into knowledge of each other, the humor of the day, and God’s infinite mercy as the night revolved around preparing for Confession tomorrow.  As we wound down the night, the kids simultaneously wound up... perhaps to be expected?  After night prayer, there was much bonding to be had, minor theft of LBH mascots, and more jocularity.

All in all, we would have to say it was our best day yet.  Please keep the prayers coming as we finish the work on this family’s house.  We will be praying for all of you - our readers.  (We were glad to break into the 70’s on our daily number of visitors.  Keep spreading the word about our blog!!)

St. John the Baptist, pray for us!

Our inspiration.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's has been a hectic day with well over 90 degree weather and an intense day of work. Started out the day with our brand new spiffy state-of-the-art kiwi green tee-shirts that stuck out like a light on a pitch black night with the wolves howling and the wind blowing through the dark, tall trees. We took a group picture with these tee-shirts on, taking both a goofy picture and a normal picture. After we had our "family picture" we went and had some bagels. We had blueberry (my favorite) and many other varieties, donated Panera Bread, and much much more... To wash this down we had some chocolate milk as a treat. It was delicious.

Once we got our stuff ready and packed our lunches for the new day ahead with swimming and cleaning and putting in flooring. We got to the Bishop O' Conner Center and put our swim suits on and hit the pool, well most of us. The pool included Sharks and Minnows, an intense game of 500 (a football game), and a amazing victory for me over Gina in a 50 yard sprint in the pool. As the chlorine got to us we got out and took showers (hopefully), so we would smell clean for the Daily Mass.

When the priest came out for Daily Mass he looked surprised as he sang the opening song, because there were all of a sudden 30 more people in the church all pumped up to sing and praise the Lord. Mass passed quickly and soon lunch was upon us. After lunch, we all piled up in the cars and headed over to the house to do some damage.
When we arrived at the house the kids were at Noah's Ark for "A" day, so the house was empty. We hit the ground running and got working right away. It was an uproar with vacuums and hammers and the normal hubbub trying to compete with the noise. The basement crew worked and worked and worked and cleaned the entire basement so clean that you could eat off of it (well sorta...).  It was a big difference than the basement when we started. It was stuffed so full you couldn't even walk in it.

The flooring in the front room was also competed with help from Tony. It was a big accomplishment today with all the jobs that were completed. Hopefully tomorrow the flooring will be complete and the painting can begin. 
We had a nice supper with the family afterwards of subs and chips which was pretty good with the cookies that came along with it. After supper followed a rosary, which was heart felt from every one of us. As the rosary passed, the dad got up and said some words of thanks that were really kind. We said our goodbyes for that day and headed over to St. Bernard's where we gathered and waited for the flooring group to stay and finish the floor. We played games to help us keep entertained and for the most part it did work. They flooring group eventually came, and then we started our evening prayer and sang a nice song.

Clare and Gina eating dinner together.  I
t is always a joy to have this little one around.  She's a fighter!!

We all packed up after it was done and went home to have our bedtime prayer and get ready for bed. The bathrooms were running full blast for a good 30 minute period but they finally relaxed and lights are now turning out. Well It's time for me to finish my day and go to bed, so have a good night, and I'll talk tomorrow. 

Matthew F.
Love Begins Here 11th Grader

Monday, June 22, 2009


I think I have a pretty good idea of what it means when someone says they have a "case of the Mondays" but what we experienced today may have helped shift that definition... for the better.  Despite a 7:30 am wake up call, we saw bright, shining faces racing out to St. Maria Goretti to make their way to the top in The LBH Competition.

This lovely threesome happens to currently make up 3/4 of the last place team at the moment, but a comeback is in the works for the coming days.  Anyways, onto Maria Goretti... we had the chance to reflect on solitude and why we need it. Long story (or reflection) short, Jesus did.  And, we try to follow Him.  Our role model Mother Teresa also gets down with prayer in the mornings. "Without prayer, I could not work for even half an hour, I get strength from God through prayer..."

Post prayer, we took our time to relax and play with eachother out at the Bishop O'Connor Center, home of the diocesan offices.  They have a lovely pool, which we took plenty of advantage of after a quick swim test.

Post swim-time, we fulfilled our Sacramental needs by stopping in at Daily Mass, which was followed by a picnic on the lawn in front of the aforementioned BOCC.  After all receiving all of that sustenance, we finally headed off to the destination that really sets the tone for the entire week and is what has brought us together.  On the East side of Madison, our crew of 30 showed up to our worksite.  Though a bit unsure of what we were exactly going to be doing, it was pure joy to find out and spend those hours in service.  Enjoy the following photographs of our crew cleaning, doing yard work, organizing, ripping out carpets, organizing dumpsters and more.

Not only were we hard at work, but we also had the chance to eat a meal and pray a rosary along with the family that we are serving and working alongside.

On our way back home, our cohort from St. Bernard's in Madison welcomed us into their home and we shared about our days, prayed some more, and heard from Jeff on the subject of the dignity of the human person.  Ending our evening with a bit of parish time and night prayer, all of us at Love Begins Here are more than ready to call it a night.  (In fact, all but two of us have.)

Please keep up the prayers for us.  We look forward to our continued service tomorrow, which will include laying some new floors.  Check back Wednesday morning for much more.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week One Begins!!

Today was a phenomenal first day of Love Begins Here, and we are so thankful to have these beautiful young people and their adult friends hanging out with us this week. Given it's super late and the Core Team just finished their meeting, I will stick to posting a couple pictures today of the highlights. More to come tomorrow.

We are definitely loving the trampoline in the Schiedermayer backyard!

Gina and Jeff were rocking the post dinner clean-up with four eager high school helpers.

Dinner was thoroughly enjoyable.  We loved our all-natural  dinosaur chicken, as well as the homemade mac & cheese and veggies.

Phil and Matt won the most heated game of the night - bird on a perch.  Competition was tough, but they certainly persevered.  It brought a fair amount of joy to this winning duo.

We're praying for those who are at home this week, especially all of our dad's out there.  Please keep lifting up those prayers for us, as well.  Happy Father's Day!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Hello from Madison!

Today, the LBH team arrived in Wisconsin's beautiful capital city and are beginning to settle in in preparation for week one of Love Begins Here. Each day of planning gets us that much more excited for the upcoming retreats. We all cannot wait for the moment when everyone will show up and our many activities (work, prayer, and fun) can begin!

Making us even more excited was the fact that this afternoon we got to meet with members of the family whose home we will be working on this coming week. We got to visit, walk around a bit, and visualize some of the projects that we will be starting out with in just a little under a week. And I've got to tell you, the whole time we talked I just wanted to start right in. It is going to be so much fun and so very meaningful! The family is absolutely awesome: so much love and all beautiful smiles. It warms my heart to think that we'll be able to help them in the midst of their needs. Love truly will begin here!

In other news, Gina has continued her Bananagrams victories and is currently holding first place, yet Lindsay is starting to make a move for the top spot. You'll just have to stay tuned to see who'll have the crown at week's end. Finally, us guys got a point just this evening, when Michael proved himself capable with a strong win right before dinner. Yes! I, on the other hand, remain winless, and assume it will remain that way. (I guess, that's what happens when you go to college for engineering and immerse yourself in numbers all day: you somehow forget about words.)

Anyhow, thanks again for the prayers. Keep 'em coming! And keep getting ready for three wonderful weeks of service right here at home in the Diocese of Madison!

Peace & Love!
LBH Core Team

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Exciting News!

Hey all!

Exciting things are happening here in Baraboo, WI as details are being finalized and team training is going swimmingly. I'm Michael, here to give you an inside scoop on the goings on.

The locations and general work outline for weeks 1 - 3 have been finalized (Hooray!):
Week 1 -- Madison, WI -- General home repair on one house
Week 2 -- Durward's Glen (near Baraboo, WI) -- Trail repair and other flood damage repair
Week 3 -- Mt. Horeb, WI -- Food pantry and free-meal serving, general home repair

Team training is off to a great start. We are currently in Baraboo, finalizing talks, schedules, and finding some time for fun as well. Two of the more noteworthy events:
  • Gina blew us all away with her mad Bananagrams skillz, a word game where everyone races to be the first to use up all the their tiles to form a crossword-like grid. Our current hypothesis is that Gina has 2 left-brains. Even though it was our first time, Jeff and I did nobly well. Lindsay, a veritable word-smithing professional however, was crushed by the defeat. That is, until she was finally able to pull off a victory.
  • Last night we all wrote a bunch of questions over beach balls and tossed them to one another, learning an interesting fact or tidbit about each team member. When asked to create an entirely new school subject, Jeff came up with Wonderology--an awe-inspiring, upsidedown and insideout, Chestertonesque style class. If she had to be an astronaut or a firefighter, Gina would choose the former... even though Apollo 13 freaks her out a bit. Lindsay wishes that the moon would be made out cranberry-Chipotle-cheddar cheese. And I... well I wouldn't mind living in Italy.
We are so grateful for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us (especially for our safe traveling as we visit work sites) and everyone that will be attending.

And please drop us an email if you have any questions!

God Bless!
Love Begins Here Team

Thursday, June 4, 2009

E-mail Quandary

Hi All,

Please take a moment to ask yourself this question: Have I sent an e-mail to LBH@straphael.org or lovebeginshere@straphael.org in the past month or so?

If your answer was affirmative, we unfortunately have not received it. If you wouldn't mind re-sending the e-mail, that would be great. If you would rather give Lindsay a call (608.290.9004), that would be wonderful, as well.

We're sorry for this technological hiccup. Thanks for cooperating with us! Look for more good news to come in just a little bit.
