Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On Life

Hello all,

We pray that you all are having a blessed January day right now. The LBH Core Team of 2009 did find their way into each other's company this past week, and it was a blast. In the midst of a long brunch at one of our favorite spots on the East side of Madison, we caught up on life, sought one another's advice, reminisced a bit about the summer, and played a game of Bananagrams, which I happened to win. All in all, I think it was long overdue and much enjoyed. That reminds me that we are still due for scheduling an LBH 2009 reunion. We'll get right on that.

But before that happens, let's spend a few (more) moments of our day contemplating the gift of life. Let's continue sending up the prayers and offering up sacrifices for the people of Haiti, and in particular the Missionaries of Charity who work there, that their work of sharing God's love may continue and bear fruit. Praise the Lord that the sisters there are still alive and doing the Lord's work on earth.

In other news, this week marks the 37th anniversary of the passing of Roe v. Wade. In thinking about the tragedy of abortion, let us be reminded of and inspired by Mother Teresa's words - "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself… the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Please keep all of those headed out to the March for Life in DC in your prayers, as well as those who will be making their love for all life known more locally.

In Christ,

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Hello LBH Participants, Supporters, Prayer Warriors...

It seems as if the Core Team from 2009 did not exactly hold up their resolution from the fall to continue blogging and entertaining you all via the World Wide Web. (I, as the team leader, will go ahead and assume a good deal of responsibility for this.) Things will be different this year. It's a New Year's Resolution, of sorts.

We pray that your Christmas' have been blessed and that this New Year brings you many opportunities to serve Christ in the poorest of the poor within your own backyard. I have a feeling God will not stop this year with the gifts of those opportunities.

Other than weekly posts, I think we also may launch an interactive feature to the LBH world, in the form of weekly questions. They will run the gamut from silly to serious. Please participate as often as you would like. I have a feeling the questions will also make their way to our Facebook page, so feel free to participate there as well.

How about we kick this week's off with a little reflection:
How has the experience of LBH changed your life during the past 6 months?

We look forward to hearing your answers!!
