Friday, March 27, 2009

Meet the 2009 Core Team

Well, we figure it's about that time to introduce ourselves. Over the coming weeks and months, we will all take turns writing for you and such. Let us know if you have any sort of questions.

Name: Gina Pignotti
HS Graduation Year: 2001
Alma Mater: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Hometown: Kenosha, WI
What she is spending her time on during the 2008-2009 school year: Teaching Middle School at St. James School in Madison, leading Confirmation classes, praying rosaries, and dominating on the basketball court.
Favorite summertime activity: Hiking and camping in the backcountry, occasionally Gina is also seen with a good book out on trail.
Hairstyle she has never attempted but desires to: Dread Locks
Song that would play when she enters the room: U2 - It's A Beautiful Day
Favorite Saint:
What she is most excited about for LBH this summer: Working hard, having fun, learning, and praying with youth from a variety of parishes. "I love the philosophy of LBH - service in your own backyard with our brothers and sisters in our near Catholic community."
And... "I don't have a functioning TV (haven't for nearly 4 years), and I don't have a Facebook account - and I actually live a very happy, fun life."

Name: Jeff Dole
HS Graduation Year: 2003
Alma Mater: Iowa State (2008), Currently attending Loras College, Pre-Theology Seminarian
Hometown: Pella, IA
What he spent his time on during the 2008 - 2009 school year: Studying philosophy and enjoying life as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Dubuque, acting as the President of the Loras Philosophy Club, catechizing 10th graders, and rotating breviaries.
Favorite Summertime Activity: Swimming
Song he wishes would play every time he enters the room: Sigur Ros - inni mer syngur vitleysingur
Favorite saint: St. John the Beloved
What is he most excited about for LBH this summer: To be immersed in prayerful service, having fun, meeting otehrs, and sharing faith...
And... "I still eat cookie dough when you are not 'supposed' to, I love questions of faith and truth, and who ever said that fairy tales are just for kids?"

Name: Lindsay Becher
HS Graduation Year: 2003
Hometown: Janesville, WI
Alma Mater: University of Wisconsin - Madison (Undergrad) and Ave Maria University (Graduate)
What she is spending her time on during the 2008 - 2009 school year: Coordinating fun and faithful programming for Middle School and High School kids at St. Joe's in Baraboo, becoming acquinted with her mad cupcake baking skills, finishing Grad School and loving Canon Law.
Favorite kind of juice: Pineapple Orange
Song she wishes would play every time she enters the room: Brett Dennen - Blessed
Favorite book of the Bible:
The Gospel of John
Favorite Summertime Activity: Reading in Hammocks
What is he most excited about for LBH this summer: Meeting all sorts of new people, bringing kids from my parish, and finding new ways to serve in the Madison Diocese.
And... "I bake when I am feeling stressed, secretly wanted to be a tour guide in the Wisconsin Dells when I was little, and have dreams of being a legit graphic designer."

Name: Michael Peterson
HS Graduation Year: 2006
Hometown: Gays Mills, WI
Alma Mater (soon enough): University of Wisconsin - Madison
What he spent your time on during the 2008-2009 school year: Like Jeff, becoming a top notch philosopher and historian, co-leading a FOCUS Bible study, running like Forest Gump, and praying.
Hairstyle he has never attempted buy secretly would like to: "I don't think I've ever thought of this very important question until now; I've pretty much always had the same old vanilla 'do.' I would love to be a skinhead for a whiel, though I'm not sure if that really counts as a hairstyle (lack of hairstyle)."
Song he wishes would play everytime he enters a room: On a bad day: Star Wars Imperial March. On a good day: Smash Mouth - I'm A Believer.
Favorite Saint: St. Therese of Lisieux
What he is most excited about for LBH this summer: The chance to be of service to our communities, to help others grow in faith, to pray, and to have a blast.
And... "I once accidently shut down an IMAX movie theater."

Phew... that's us. We look forward to meeting you all this summer and learning ridiculous things about you, as well. Happy (almost) Feast of the Assumption!

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